[b-greek] TC-list subscribing

From: Dave Washburn (dwashbur@nyx.net)
Date: Sat Feb 24 2001 - 11:38:08 EST

I gave the wrong approach for subscribing to the TC-list in a
previous post. The instructions below are off their website, so this
approach should work. Apologies for the error.

In conjunction with TC, an electronic discussion list dealing with all
aspects of biblical textual
criticism, broadly defined, has been operational since November
1995. This list, called tc-list,
currently has over 300 participants, and anyone interested can
subscribe at
http://rosetta.atla-certr.org/cgi-bin/lyris.pl. Click on the subject
"textual criticism," then on the TC
logo, then add yourself to the list.

Dave Washburn
"No study of probabilities inside a given frame can ever
tell us how probable it is that the frame itself can be
violated." C. S. Lewis

B-Greek home page: http://metalab.unc.edu/bgreek
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