[b-greek] Re: Grammar

From: Roseann (roseann@intellisys.net)
Date: Sun Feb 25 2001 - 18:35:37 EST

Hello Greek teachers,
I do so appreciate all the help I've received from everyone. I was trying
to find these sites for a friend. I had already perused for more sites
besides Machen and found the other one recommended by Mr. Conrad and sent
them on to my friend. Also, I found the one by Huy and sent it on.
However, this one by Michael Haggett is new to me and I will send it on as
well and bookmark it for myself.

I have taken Beginner's Greek many years ago - using Wm. Hersey Davis while
in seminary with my husband, then I took it twice again later using Machen.
Recently, I have taken a mini-course online through a minister in my church
in Denver, as a preparation/brush-up. My own minister here (Thomas
St.Church of Christ) will begin teaching a Beginners Greek course for
several of us tomorrow night and he will be using Ray Summer's "Essentials
of New Testament Greek" w/Thomas Sawyer Contributor.
Since I've only had a smidgen of it here and there over the years (I'll be
67 in March) I do appreciate any comments and all the help I can absorb in
this wonderful language through which God has communicated to us. Thanks
Roseann Ekman
Altus, OK


> On 25 Feb 2001, at 13:53, Carl W. Conrad wrote:
> > At 1:08 PM -0500 2/25/01, Alexander Kyrychenko wrote:
> > >New Testament Greek for Beginners by J. Gresham Machen:
> > >
> > >http://www.ccel.org/m/machen/greek/htm/TOC.htm
> >
> > It should be borne in mind that when one "purchases" this "free" NT
> > Greek textbook that's readily accessible on the web, one gets exactly
> > as much as one pays for: inadequate explanations of Greek
> > constructions, some questionable made-up Greek sentences to translate
> > into English, and some still-more-questionable English sentences to
> > translate into Greek. I used the text myself a few times, so I do have
> > a basis for the judgment.
> I am grateful for these comments, only having see Machen through
> the on-line version.
> > You should at least be aware of and check out some other alternatives
> > noted at Micheal Palmer's page entitled "Greek Language and
> > Linguistics Gateway":
> >
> > http://www.greek-language.com/learn.greek/
> While not taking away, of course, from Michael Palmer's very
> useful page, I wonder if I might also recommend Marc Huys
> excellent Greek Grammar on the Web at
> http://perswww.kuleuven.ac.be/~p3481184/greekg.htm, which
> provides a good series of links as well as incisive comments on
> each of each of the courses, grammars etc. to which he is drawing
> attention.
> I've just added another link to the Learning NT Greek section on the
> Greek NT Gateway (http://www.ntgateway.com/greek) -- Michael
> Haggett's New Testament Greek course
> (http://website.lineone.net/~ntgreek). At first look through, I
> thought it quite clear and helpful; nice audio elements too. It uses
> the Athena unicode font and provides useful instructions on how to
> download (contrast CCEL on Machen, which doesn't make clear
> anywhere that I can see that they have used SIL Galatia). Two
> frustrations -- one is that the complete version has to be purchase
> on CD-ROM and the other is no accents or iota subscripts -- the
> lack of the latter bothers me a lot for teaching first years.
> I don't suppose we could persuade Jonathan to resume writing his
> on-line textbook can we? I used to look forward to each new
> lesson!
> Mark
> -----------------------------
> Dr Mark Goodacre mailto:M.S.Goodacre@bham.ac.uk
> Dept of Theology tel: +44 121 414 7512
> University of Birmingham fax: +44 121 414 6866
> Birmingham B15 2TT
> United Kingdom
> http://www.bham.ac.uk/theology/goodacre
> Homepage
> http://NTGateway.com
> The New Testament Gateway
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