From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (mauros@iol.ie)
Date: Sun Mar 04 2001 - 10:11:55 EST

At 03:36 04/03/01, Justin Richmond wrote:

>Further on in the paragraph I've come upon the word "EKHRUXAN" which has
>gotten me stuck also. I'm assuming it's either perfect or aorist, but
>can't find the root.
> Please help,

Help is in your own hands ( or mouse, as the case may be <g> )
Go to: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/morphindex?lang=greek
This gives you a tool called:
Perseus Word Study Tool --Morphological Analyses for Inflected Greek Words

Before you can enter the word you are seeking to analyse, you should read:

and then return to the first page, and click on "Configure Display".
If you are happy to see the results in transliterated form, fine -- but
they _do_ look a lot better ( and to me, more comprehensible ) if you
choose a Greek font.
You should note that the word which is puzzling you is transliterated by
you as:
EKHRUXAN will be entered as EKHRUCAN (i.e ksi = C rather than X ),
depending on which font you have opted for.
For a PC Windows user, I would recommend SGreek -- others may have their
As you will see, having used this tool to identify the form which is
puzzling you, you are then only a click away from either the "middle"
Liddell and Scott or the big LSJ lexicons.


Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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