[b-greek] Re: Jude 7

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Tue Mar 27 2001 - 11:17:18 EST

At 09:06 AM 3/27/01 -0700, you wrote:

>That sounds like a statement of fact, Jim, whereas I would think it would be
>more accurate to phrase it as a statement of scholarly conclusion (perhaps,
>even, hypothesis). It seems to me a more scientific approach to the lexical
>semantics of EKPORNEUSASAI would be to look for all occurrences of the word
>and its morphological alternates in biblical as well as extra-biblical
>contexts and attempt to induce from all those occurrences what the meaning
>of the word was. I am *not* suggesting a meaning for the word, only
>addressing the issue of scientific methodology here.

well it is a statement of fact that the sin of sodom was inhospitality.
thats why i make it as a statement. it is also a fact that the rest of the
verse describes the sexual immorality of sodom and gomorrah. hence, in the
mind of jude, the two are NOT the same or he is being totally redundant.
now, that accusation can hardly be made of jude, who is so fond of economy
of words that he scarcely (never) repeats himself in the text at all.
hence, the common understanding of ekporneuw is inadequate at best and
misleading at worst. therefore, and heres where my post became a question,
i wondered if anyone knew of any text where the word is used in the sense of
i truly appreciate your concern with my methodology but i can assure you, i
have it well in hand.
so, do you know of any text where the word is used in this sense? (i mean
besides here in jude of course)




Jim West, ThD

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