[b-greek] Re: Gender...What!?

From: Chuck Tripp (ctripp@ptialaska.net)
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 01:05:29 EST

"But then, I'm
> reviewing one of Lyle Story's Greek To Me lessons, and he translates TAIS
> KALAIS as "the good women". So can we say, in the case of this adjective,
> gender can denote "physiology"? If gender has nothing whatever to do with
> physiology then TOIS KALOIS would mean the same thing as TAIS KALAIS and
> KALA. What am I missing here. Should I totally disregard gender for
> everything other than concord?

When TAIS KALAIS is translated 'the good women' it is because 'women' has
the feminin gender, as opposed to the feminin sex. In fact, TAIS KALAIS,
could also refer to any feminin noun, POLESI for instance.

Which feminin noun is determined by context. So if you see TOIS KALOIS, you
look for some noun, plural, masculin which by context KALOIS could refer to.

From: Jim Darden <jim@dardenhome.com>
To: Biblical Greek <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:59 AM
Subject: [b-greek] Gender...What!?

> I'm sure this is a basic question and I should have nailed this down by
> end of first year Greek but I'm second guessing myself.
> According to Geotchus (and others), "...gender is a grammatical category,
> not a physiological one; gender is not the same thing as sex." This makes
> sense to me since there are neuter nouns like TEKNON. But then, I'm
> reviewing one of Lyle Story's Greek To Me lessons, and he translates TAIS
> KALAIS as "the good women". So can we say, in the case of this adjective,
> gender can denote "physiology"? If gender has nothing whatever to do with
> physiology then TOIS KALOIS would mean the same thing as TAIS KALAIS and
> KALA. What am I missing here. Should I totally disregard gender for
> everything other than concord?
> Jim Darden
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