[b-greek] Re: Luke 13:35 variant hHCHi

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 05 2001 - 08:14:06 EDT

At 3:07 AM -0400 4/5/01, Suedaleg@aol.com wrote:
>I have a question on a phrase in Luke 13:35. The "majority" text reads LEGW

The reading you cite appears to be TR rather than Majority Text; majority
text has hHXEI, TR has hHXHI which would be an aorist subj. 3d sg.--in a
verb that normally appears only in the present and future systems.
>I am trying to nail down how to translate hHCHi. I believe it is aorist
>subjunctive hHKW "to come" but I'm not sure how to best fit it into the
>English sentance.
>The NIV seems to be based on a text that does not contain this, which by the
>notes I am reading seems to be the generally accepted text. The NKJ however
>has "until the time comes when you say . . ." inserting "the time". Should
>I accept this addition or is there a better way to say it. I'm tempted to
>say something like "until it happens that you say" Is this a common

Perhaps it would be best to cite UBS4: LEGW [DE] hUMIN, OU MH IDHTE ME hEWS
[hHXEI hOTE] EIPHTE, ... I could cite the entire critical note, but I think
it is sufficient simply to say that hHXEI hOTE seems redundant or
superfluous with hEWS, while on the other hand one would expect an AN with
hEWS when the subjunctive EIPHTE follows. There doesn't really seem to be
any question about what is meant: "I tell you, you won't see me until you
say ..." If we add the force of hHXEI hOTE, we get "I tell you, you won't
see me until the time comes when you say." So the problems are: (1) there's
no AN with hEWS EIPHTE in the older MSS; (2) there's no need for a
subjunctive EIPHTE after a simple hOTE.

Here's Metzger's note on UBS4 (_Textual Comm._, p. 138): "The rarity of
construing hOTE with the subjunctive (BDF #382(2), as well as the
temptation to assimilate to the Matthean parallel (23:39), seems to have
prompted many copyists to omit hHXEI hOTE, and, in some cases (Theta 1241
al), to prefix AP' ARTI (Delta conflates the Matthean and Lukan readings).
Apart from the subsidiary problem involving variation in the presence or
absence of AN after hEWS (with the corresponding change of hHXEI to hHXHi
in Psi f1 565 700 al), the manuscript basis for the reading "until the time
[or: the day] comes when you will say ... " includes A D W Psi f1 28 ita,
b, (c), d, ff2, l, q, r1 vg syrc, s, h with Marcion al."

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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