[Fwd: Data Model : Text on Schemas & PSV Infoset]

From: Mary F. Fernandez (mff@research.att.com)
Date: Sun Apr 08 2001 - 22:08:47 EDT

Thanks, Henry. Jonathan, can you incorporate these
changes into your current draft?

I think we have to treat 'validity' 'notKnown'
the same way we treat 'invalid', but I'm not sure.

"Henry S. Thompson" wrote:
> "Mary F. Fernandez" <mff@research.att.com> writes:
> > Below is suggested text for the data model document.
> >
> > Although the text states how the data model can
> > support schema-invalid documents, I'm very concerned about
> > this design choice. Jonathan R points out that there
> > are *many* ways that a document may be invalid.
> > Do we want to support documents that 'type check'
> > structurally, but whose IDREF
> > and
> > identity constraints are invalid? Once we consider
> > supporting one source of invalidity, we are stuck
> > supporting them all.
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > <div2 id="psv"><head>Schemas and the Information Set</head>
> > <p>
> > An instance of the data model is derived from an instance of
> > the XML Information Set <bibref ref="xml-infoset"/> after
> > XML Schema validation.
> ^^^^^^^^^^
> validity assessment
> > XML Schema validation is the process of checking that an
> ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> validity assessment assessing
> > XML document is a valid instance of the document specified a
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> XML element information item with with respect to an XML Schema
> and augmenting it and some or all of
> its descendants with properties which provide information about both
> validity and type assignment.
> > schema, which may incorporate one or more XML Schemas.
> > The result of validation is an instance of the Information Set,
> ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> schema validity assessment augmented
> known as the post schema-validation infoset, or PSVI.
> > </p>
> > <p>
> > The data model supports the following classes of XML documents,
> > all of which can be modeled in the PSV Infoset:
> > <ulist>
> > <item><p>
> > Schema-valid documents, i.e., those validated with respect to a schema,
> ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
> validated assessed
> > </p></item>
> > <item><p>
> > DTD-valid documents, i.e., those documents validated with respect to a
> > DTD, and
> > </p></item>
> > <item><p>
> > Well-formed documents with no corresponding DTD or schema.
> > </p></item>
> > </ulist>
> > Schema-valid documents also include those documents in which
> ^^^^^ xxxx xxxxx
> validated
> > some elements or attributes have been validated by "lax"
> > or "skip" validation (AQ, which describes those guidelines, as
a welcome message immediately upon subscribing to the list. Most messages
from new members are approved without question, but some are questionable
in one way or another or even have to be rejected, and we do like to
explain the reasons why we feel a particular message either needs
alteration for distribution to the list or else has to be rejected.
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 16:01:35 -0500
Subject: [b-greek] Can you refine your search engine? This is a great site!
To: Biblical Greek <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
From: "tchames ratchers" <sekhemshoulder@yahoo.com>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:leave-b-greek-329W@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Reply-To: "tchames ratchers" <sekhemshoulder@yahoo.com>

Is it possible to search your database literally for a string of words?
When I do a search for "by the" I get every message with "by" or "the" in
it. This unfortunately is unacceptable for my searching needs. Although I
would like to read all 5000+ messages for wisdom is gained from the answer
as well as the question, my time constraints are limited. Is there an
advanced search option ya'll could develop for us. It may be it is beyond
the capabilities of your software. Keep up the good work guys!! There is
alot of data left to discover.
I rejected this message for two reasons: (1) List protocol requires a
signature for all messages to be forwarded to the list (the "from" header
is insufficient as some list-members don't get anything but a
subject-header from their server); (2) more important, there's no point in
sending this message to the entire list, it goes along with this reply
directly to the list-owner, Jonathan Robie, who may perhaps advise you.

Carl W. Conrad
Co-Chair, B-Greek List
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu OR cwconrad@ioa.com
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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