[b-greek] Re: JOH 16,23

From: Jay Anthony Adkins (Jadkins26438@cs.com)
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 04:53:47 EDT

> John N. Lupia
> 501 North Avenue B-1
> Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208-1731 USA
> JLupia2@excite.com
> TO : Jay Anthony Adkins
> b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu
> Regarding the TR and Papyri , the text consulted was: W. L. Elliot & D.C.
> Parker, The Gospel According to St. John (American & British Committees
> IGNTP) Vol. One: The Papyri. (Leiden, 1995)
> This is the best source for the TR in John in print..
> IMHO, the best English translation of that portion of the passage AN TI
> "whatever you ask the Father in my name He will give you"
> I hope this helps clarify things.
> Peace in Christ,

No, not really John. I appreciate your attempt to help and I agree with
your translation based purely on contextual grounds, however, I was really
hoping someone might explain the grammatical grounds that the
prepositional phrase EN TW ONOMATI MOU should modify the asking as opposed
to the giving as in some translations (NASB, RSV, ASV, etc.…). Is this
difference based on purely word order and the placement of the
prepositional phrase? The NRSV which I have quoted a couple of times
seems to indicate this.

John 16:23 (NRSV) On that day you will ask nothing of me. {Or [will ask me
no question]} Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in
my name, he will give it to you. {Other ancient authorities read Father,
he will give it to you in my name]}

Lacking any further information, I suppose that context is again the key
grammatical rule in play here and that word order is merely a supporting
help. If someone would or could confirm that, my confidence would be much
greater than it presently is. Otherwise, I am hard pressed to understand
why placing DWSEI hUMIN in front of EN TW ONOMATI MOU (as some variants
do) would cause some to change their translation.

Again, thank you for the textual critical information.

Sola Gratia,
        Jay Adkins
Always Under Grace!

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