[b-greek] Re: Vocabulary List

From: James Ernest (jernest@hendrickson.com)
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 10:46:59 EDT

Cf. also: Reading New Testament Greek: Complete Word Lists and Reader's
Guide, by Bernard Brandon Scott, Margaret Dean, Kristen Sparks, and Frances
LaZar. Hendrickson, 1993. $14.95. 7 x 9 paper. 208 pp. ISBN: 1565630149.

James Ernest (who works for the publisher)

James D. Ernest, Ph.D.
Associate Editorial Director, Hendrickson Publishers
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  Peabody, MA 01961-3473 USA
FAX: 978/573-8243
PHONE: 978/573-2243
E-MAIL: j.d.ernest@bc.edu  (accessible to me anywhere)
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