[b-greek] RE: Why MOICOS?

From: Clwinbery@aol.com
Date: Sat May 05 2001 - 08:25:44 EDT

Henryk Jedraszczak wrote;

>>>>>>I hereby repeat my suggestion that we should, or might, discuss the

difference between the Greek words MOICEIA, PORNEIA and any other related


By the way, MOICOS is the doer, the deed is MOICEIA, according to good old

German dictionaries.<<<<<<

Loew & Nida have the following information. It seems adequate to me. The
Greek in the article may be garbled but I think you can tell what it is.
88.276 moiceu/w; moicażomai; moicei÷a, aß f. sexual intercourse of a man with
a married woman other than his own spouse — ‘to commit adultery, adultery.’
From the standpoint of the NT, adultery was normally defined in terms of the
married status of the woman involved in any such act. In other words, sexual
intercourse of a married man with an unmarried woman would usually be
regarded as pornei÷a ‘fornication’ 88.271, but sexual intercourse of either
an unmarried or a married man with someone else’s wife was regarded as
adultery, both on the part of the man as well as the woman. In view of the
married status of the woman being the determining factor in moiceu/w,
moicażomai, moicei÷a, and related terms 88.277-88.278, there is a significant
contrast with porneu/w and related expressions 88.271. porneu/w, however, may
be regarded as more generic in meaning, and thus in certain contexts
including adultery.

Carlton Winbery
LA College

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