[b-greek] Re: John 10:22, 28

From: Numberup@worldnet.att.net
Date: Sat May 05 2001 - 18:03:10 EDT

Possibly it translates a Hebraism. Jerusalem has a dual ending in some pointed
Hebrew forms: yerushalayim.

TIS, "anyone." The literal "and not shall seize anyone them out of the hand my"
translates as, "And no one shall seize them out of my hand."

Solomon Landers

"B. D. Colt" wrote:

> I've run into some questions in tomorrow's Gospel. John 10:22 reads:
> Can someone explain why the plurals (especially for Jerusalem)?
> Then verse 28b reads: . . . KAI OUC hARPASEI TIS AUTA EK THS
> CEIROS MOU. What purpose does 'TIS' serve in the sentence?
> TIA to anyone who can help.
> Barbara D. Colt, mailto:babc@ix.netcom.com
> St John the Evangelist, San Francisco
> ---
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