[b-greek] RV: Re: John 3:3-5 (was Re: Eph 5:31)

From: Braulio Barillas (parakal@quetzal.net)
Date: Sat May 12 2001 - 04:03:48 EDT

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Carl W. Conrad [mailto:cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu]
Enviado el: Friday, May 11, 2001 7:39 AM
Para: Biblical Greek
CC: Biblical Greek
Asunto: [b-greek] Re: John 3:3-5 (was Re: Eph 5:31)

At 8:10 AM -0500 5/11/01, Roseann wrote:
>Hello B-Greekers,
>I'm needing to know the Greek tense (if that would answer my question).
> (snip)
>Is the grammatical construction of that sentence referring back (past
>to a physical birth of those to whom he spoke, or to a future event
>(baptism) involving two elements?
recall reading a lengthy discussion of this in Raymond Brown's commentary:
I suggest that you do that also and then make up your own mind (certainly
if you wait for other opinions, you're going to hear more than one!).

(b) The repeated verb (GENNHQHi subj. 3d sg. in 3; GENNHQHNAI (2x) inf. in
4; GENNHQHi subj. 3d sg. in 5) is in every instance aorist, but the
reference of the aorist is not to time but to successful achievement of
rebirth; personally, I'd translates the infinitives as "get born" and the
subjunctives as "gets born."
Carl W. Conrad

Estimados b-greek:

Me parece en MHO (in Ingles IMHO)que este verso permite para principiar su
entendimiento, una mezcla gramatica-exegetica. No debe separarse el conjunto
agua-espiritu, ambas se interelacionan fuertemente (el agua, simbolo del
espiritu, atestigua su fecundidad espiritual)El nuevo nacimiento es una
doble explicacion para Nicodemo, que en este momento (notese aqui la parte
gramatical)principia a representar al hombre universal. Para los judios el
agua era uno de los presupuestos mas importantes de la vida, les era
familiar su aplicacion simbolica, en toda su variedad de formas y modos de
expresion, de ahi que el verso pretende dejar claro la purificacion
espiritual por la operacion del E.S. Para Nicodemo principia a ser claro el
asunto al recordar a Ez. 36:25-27. Creo que en este parrafo podria
justificar adecuadamente los tiempos verbales, segun los dejo anotados el
Dr. Conrad. Sin embargo cerrare con una cita de Tito 3:5 ss.
Braulio Barillas

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