[b-greek] Re: Accent question

From: Clwinbery@aol.com
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 12:33:47 EDT

In a message dated 5/17/01 10:42:30 AM, rdecker@bbc.edu writes:

>Does the combination breathing mark/grave accent over the same letter ever
>occur (rough or smooth)?
>It could only occur on a one-syllable word (since grave can stand only
>the ultima and breathing marks only on the first). Most Greek fonts include
>such a composite character, but I've read through quite a few NT chapters
>and rummaged in several grammars (& Carson's book on accents), without
>finding such a creature. But I'd not want to dogmatize on that skimpy
>evidence. (Do any of the grammatical search programs [Accordance, Gramcord,
>BibleWorks, etc.] allow searching for such diacritics?)

Rod, off the top of my head I would say the relative pronouns occur often,
especially the nom/acc neuter sing. The third sing. imperfect of EIMI - HN
with smooth breathing. The active masculine and neuter participles of EIMI -
WN, ON. and probably others such as OUS, ear.

Carlton Winbery
LA College

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