[b-greek] The BHMA, here and now

From: virgilsalvage1 (virgilsalvage1@msn.com)
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 19:39:02 EDT

On June 8th, 2001 at 19:34 Mark Wilson wrote...

    "2 Cor 5:9a


2 Cor 5:10a


5:9 begins with a Present Tense verb, referring to Paul's "present"

Next, I wonder if GAR in verse 10a could be Explanatory. That is, standing
before this
platform of Christ could be a day to day evaluation occurring in the
present, explaining
why Paul was striving; namely, because Christ was evaluating his CURRENT,
DAY TO DAY ministry.


In posting this wondering about GAR, you've implied it's connection and
explanation to Paul's striving. Although that may, at a distance be
included, it seems to me that GAR is there, as a further explanation,
pertaining most specifically to the phrase...." EUARESTOI AUTWi EINAI."

   Then verse 10 is the explanation of what will occur and how it will
happen, ultimately; that is, the making visible....the who and what we've
been, and what that shows. This will become the determiner to show if
"..EUARESTOI AUTWi EINAI ", has actually occurred. That's not to say that
what you suggest above isn't happening, it's that GAR I believe is referring
to the ultimate determination....which of course would make us more
carefully consider and evaluate the present, of course. It seems to me,
that's why Paul said in verse 9, that whether we are being absent or being
present....accepted by him...we are being.

    You then wrote...

"hINA KOMISHTAI hEKASTOS then would have to relate to immediate
blessings/rewards, in some sense. (But this is going more into
the theological implications, I suppose.)


    It seems to me that here..." KOMISHTAI " is our bringing to present
something...not a receiving. A bringing in to this situation having been
made possible by our "FANERWQHNAI." FANERWQHNAI is passive...this was done
to us. We are made visible at this situation of BHMA, so that HINA...for the
purpose that we may bring to this situation TA. KOMISHTAI is middle voice.
We are doing some action here that is concerning or related to ourselves.


    You then asked...

"Theology aside, is this a grammatical, contextual option?

   For ...."hINA KOMISHTAI hEKASTOS," referring to blessings/rewards..I
would offer..No.

    You then asked....

I guess the reverse side of this question is: Is 5:10 grammatically
and syntactically ONLY a future tense concept?

    The aorist of FANERWQHNAI and KOMISHTAI...would seem to indicate that it
is a future event that "will" occur sometime, in some point of time. The use
of the aorist here rather than the future seems to me to put more focus on
the absolute occurrence that will happen, rather than saying simply that
this will happen sometime in the future, which the future tense would have
done. So, yes, I would say that it appears that this is only a future event.
At least what verse 10 is speaking about specifically.

Virgil Newkirk
Salt Lake City, Utah

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