[b-greek] Re: Elizabethan Dictionary

From: David Thiele (thielogian@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 18:13:16 EDT

The KING JAMES BIBLE WORD BOOK, by Ronald Bridges and
Luther Weigle (Thomas Nelson, 1994) is a pretty
helpful introductory source for the meaning of KJV
words which have become obsolete or changed meanings
since 1611.


David Thiele
Pacific Adventist University

--- Ted Mann <theomann@earthlink.net> wrote: > Hi:
> Would someone kindly advise me as to the best
> (online?) source for
> determining the meanings of English biblical terms
> during the days of good
> old King James? I recently discovered, with your
> help, that an archaic
> meaning of "demand" (Mt.2:4 KJV) was "inquire," but
> I went and did a silly
> thing-- I deleted your messages, which included the
> sources you cited.
> Maybe there's some way to retrieve them, but I don't
> know how to do it.
> Thanks.
> Ted
> Dr. Theodore H. Mann
> theomann@earthlink.net
> http://home.earthlink.net/~theomann
> ---
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