[b-greek] Re: Sharp's Rule with impersonal substantives

From: GregStffrd@aol.com
Date: Fri Jun 22 2001 - 10:53:53 EDT

In a message dated 06/22/2001 1:13:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
language_lover64801@yahoo.com writes:

<< If Granville Sharp's rule is not (necessarily) applicable to the 2 Thess.
 passage, why does the NIV translate Titus 2.13 as "looking for the blessed
 hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior..." It takes
 ELPIDA and EPIFANEIA to be identical through (apparently) Sharp's rule.
 Would it not be in the same category as 2 Thess. 2.1? Wallace's reason
 for not including that passage is that it regards "concrete temporal
 referents," one of which is the parousia. I would guess that ELPIDA isn't
 really a "temporal event," but it is in reference to some temporal event.
 Any comments???

I think if one can argue that per the context or by means of other NT
statements that ALPIDA and EPIFANEIAN THS DOXHS are the same object of
expectation then the NIV is acceptable. However, I believe EPIFANEIAN THS
DOXHS more naturally suggests "manifestations of the glory of the great God."
This is consistent with what Jesus taught his followers as recorded in the
Synoptic Gospels (Matt. 16:27; Mr 8:38; Lu 9:26).

So it could be that the "hope" is the "manifestation of the great God's
glory" in which the Savior, Jesus Christ, was believed to appear. If that is
the case, then "hope" could be a concrete temporal event, namely, the second
coming of Christ in the "great God's glory." So they could both be the same
concrete, temporal event.

Best regards,

Greg Stafford

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