[b-greek] Re: request for assistance

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (cierpke@prodigy.net)
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 19:31:16 EDT


I've tried to do the same thing with my page:


Feel free to use anything that will be of service to you


At 07:32 PM 7/7/01 +0000, jwest@highland.net wrote:
>List participants,
>I am in the process of attempting to make the Biblical Studies Resources web
>site even more useful- especially for college and graduate school students
>will no doubt be turning more and more to online resources for class
>collections of materials, and general studies purposes.
>I have, then, to ask for your assistance.
>if you know of a web address that should be included, please be so kind as
>pass that along to me. I would like to have the BSR site thoroughly updated
>before the summer is over and the new semester has begun.
>My ongoing effort is to provide information useful to all areas of biblical
>studies and not merely one area (like websites devoted to the new
testament or
>the gospels or luke, or hebrew or greek, etc.) As useful and as excellent
>those sites are, they are highly specialized. My interest is to provide a
>resource covering the whole of the Biblical text as well as the ancillary
>disciplines (like archaeology, linguistics, etc).
>Also- if you make reference to web sites in your own classes I would be
>if you would mention mine to your students. Also pass on to them the same
>request I make of you now- that is- to send any web addresses thought useful
>(from a scholarly perspective rather than a devotional one).
>My site is at
>Your comments are greatly appreciated.
>Jim West, ThD
>Adjunct Professor of Bible, Quartz Hill School of Theology
>Adjunct Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Hudson College
>Biblical Studies Resources
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
Cierpke Memorial Library
Tennessee Temple University/Temple Baptist Seminary
1815 Union Ave.
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