[b-greek] Re: AOL6 & Plain Text

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 05:48:45 EDT

I think we all (readers of Digests especially) owe a debt of gratitude to
Bob Read for bringing this information to the attention of AOL users.

At 8:38 PM -0400 7/7/01, Bob Read wrote:
>>From the Unofficial AOL faq: (Note that option #1 is preferred and easiest.)
>How do I stop AOL 6 from sending HTML to the Internet?
> Discussion
> With the release of version 6.0 of its client software, AOL began to
>embrace the
> use of full HTML in email (see FAQ item 8). This included a controversial
>feature in
> the sending of email to the Internet, in which messages were sent in a
> known as multipart/alternative, which uses MIME enclosures to include two
> copies of every message: one in plain text, and one in HTML. Ideally,
> email programs should be designed to display the version that they
> HTML-compliant programs can display the HTML section, showing the
> that the original sender included with the message; while text-only
> would only show the text section. Even HTML-enabled programs could be
>made to
> allow their users to choose (or switch to) the text portion if they
>prefer simplicity.
> However, some Internet email programs were never designed to recognize
> MIME sections, resulting in the recipient of such a message seeing both
>the plain
> text and HTML versions of the email.
> Solution
> When communicating with Internet recipients who are not using an email
> capable of selecting which MIME section to view, an AOL 6.0 user can turn
>off the
> HTML by taking the following steps exactly as described:
> 1.Change your global email preferences (only needs to be done once):
> a.Go to Keyword: Preferences (or choose Preferences from the
> menu on the AOL 6.0 toolbar).
> b.Click on Font, Text, & Graphics Preferences.
> c.Click on the Reset button at the bottom of the resulting window.
>Do not
> make any changes in the Font Preferences area of the window.
> d.Click on the Save button.
> 2.Change a specific email to plain text (must be done for every email):
> a.Compose and address the email as desired.
> b.Choose Select All from the Edit menu to highlight the entire
> c.With the mouse arrow somewhere over the highlighted text, click
> Right mouse button, revealing a contextual menu (AKA
> d.Choose Normal from the Text menu.
> e.Taking care not to make any further changes to the message, send
> Note that changing the text to normal will eliminate the "blue bar"
>quoted text
> indicator, but will not remove some HTML elements of the quoted text. The
> quoted section must be deleted (or simply not quoted in the first place),
> by the re-entry of the text quoted manually, prior to changing the text

>to normal.
> Changing the text to normal will also eliminate any styled text that
>would have
> been seen by AOL recipients of the message, which cannot be re-added.
> also suggests that messages with hyperlinks cannot be converted to normal
> requiring the prior removal of the link.
> If this process is unappealing, other options include reverting to a
>prior version of
> AOL or using AOL Mail via the web.
> (Thanks to Carpenma for identifying step two of the plain text solution.)
>Bob Read
>Soli Deo Gloria-Solus Christus-Sola Gratia-Sola Fide-Sola Scriptura
>The Church of The Master [Baptist]
> Providence, Rhode Island
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Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University (Emeritus)
Most months: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu OR cwconrad@ioa.com
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