[b-greek] MH MHTI and MH OUK

From: Keith Thompson (keitht@kneptune.demon.co.uk)
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 10:24:08 EDT

 This is only vaguely related to this subject. It's about the question I
asked a while ago about distinguishing between statements and questions.
In a question which uses a negative particle is it true that the
negative is ALWAYS the first word in the clause (and in a statement the
negative may or may not be the first word)? So if the negative particle
is not the first word then it definitely isn't a question?
 And if MH can negate the indicative mood in a question also, I agree
that the James 2:1 example (MH EN PROSWPOLHYIAIS ECETE THN PISTIN...)
could be a question or a command. I supposed ECETE must be imperative
because of MH, but now I'm not sure.

Thanks for all your help,
Keith Thompson (Manchester, UK)

Keith Thompson

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