[b-greek] Re: Q

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 01:43:20 EDT

on 7/17/01 7:57 AM, Chet Creider wrote:

> What is the current status of scholarship with respect to Q?

Hello Chet,

You must be a newbie to b-greek, no?

Welcome to b-greek.

Q isn't a topic we discuss here. However Mark Goodacre of the University of
Birmingham has a wonderful site for Q which you simply must visit. Make sure
to also look at his NT Gateway, a link that everyone should bookmark. You
will also find there the links to academic lists where Q is discussed like

Mark Without Q


NT Gateway


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062


Has anyone read the Bernard Knox's intro to Robert Fagles Iliad recently.
His discussion or oral/written text of Homer and orality in general is very
very interesting. He gives M. Pearry a lot of trouble. Wish I had known
about it back when we were talking to JDG Dunn about orality a few months

Also on Homer, was in the U District (U of W) tonight and saw a deconstrive
work on Homer published recently. Didn' t know that the Derrida disciples
even bothered with Homer. Of course I didn't buy the stupid thing, can't
even remember the title Themis somehting or other.

Enough off topic stuff for one post. If anyone wants to respond to this
please off list, thanks. CSB

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