[b-greek] RE: Luke 6:12b

From: Mike Sangrey (msangrey@BlueFeltHat.org)
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 13:02:10 EDT

c stirling bartholomew <cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net> said:
> Hurray! Now lets gather up all the grammars published in the last
> decade which still have 20-30 types of genitives and burn them. The
> only grammar that I own that even comes close, not close enough, to
> what Iver is saying here is Richard Young's. So we can spare him from
> the flames but all the rest of them must burn. We could start the
> blase with Wallace and Mounce being perhaps the worst offenders. If
> we can get enough people together for our grammar burning perhaps we
> could get Leni Reifenstahl to film it for us.


While I understand your enthusiasm (even partly agree with it) I think
a far more effective goal would be to take these grammars and the
many categories they...ummmmm...offer and cleanly and clearly--even
educationally--split the syntactic from the semantic. In other words,
instead of teaching ONLY that the categories are offered up as potentials,
clearly teach HOW the context SELECTS the semantic category.

I think there is something to be said for clearly linking the
categories to semantics and helping the student separate, to a degree,
the syntax from the categories.
Mike Sangrey
Landisburg, Pa.
                        "The first one last wins."
            "A net of highly cohesive details reveals the truth."

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