[b-greek] Re: TI GEGONEN in John 14:22

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (mauros@iol.ie)
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 17:08:05 EDT

At 18:16 23/08/01, Bret A. Hicks wrote:

>Choice (a) seems more literal, and this seems to be the understanding of
>the NASB. However, Jesus' reply seems to answer option (b), and this is
>how the NIV translates it. Robertson (Grammar, 739) seems to understand

>it to mean something close to option (b).

As George has already pointed out to you, this has to be taken in
conjunction with the use of hOTI.
Indeed, in his Biblical Greek: Illustrated by Examples. English edn.
Adapted from the fourth Latin edn. By Joseph Smith S.J. Rome, 1963.
Zerwick remarks ( # 420 ):

>> Even within the causal sense of hOTI there is a distinction which has a
certain importance. In general, hOTI, like "because" in English, gives a
reason why the fact is as it is stated to be, or why something happens, as
in Jn 5:16, but sometimes it is used to give the reason for which what
precedes is known to be so, or is said, or the reason why a question is
asked <<

This is a bit dense, I admit, but Zerwick goes on to give the example of
>>Mt 8:27 after the calming of the storm " they wondered, saying who is
this, hOTI the winds and the sea obey him ". Here hOTI gives the reason for
the asking of such a question, not for a statement of fact.<<<

Hope this is of help.


Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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