[b-greek] Lesson Plans for Basics of Biblical Greek

From: Jim McGowan (jamcgowan@alltel.net)
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 00:37:01 EDT

Please forgive this bodacious request but I have just been given the
opportunity to teach Greek I at a local Bible Institute ( starting in one
week), and I need help putting together Lesson Plans for the Basics of
Biblical Greek text and workbook. I have to have them turned in by next

Normally, I would not ask this as I am very organized but the prof who was
supposed to teach this class dropped out at the last minute and I got the
call. (happily!)

If anyone out there uses this text and would be so kind as to share
anything that will help, I would be most grateful.

Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.

Jim McGowan M.T.S.
Tyndale Theological Seminary

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