[b-greek] Re: Romans 3:4

From: Mike Sangrey (msangrey@BlueFeltHat.org)
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 15:24:48 EDT

Carl, of course, is right about SE being the subject of the infinitive.

However, that doesn't fully answer your question (ummmm, I think).

John Macaulay <john_macaulay@sil.org> said:
> (b) How, given that you the addressee of this line is God, could an
> accusative case go with a passive reading of the verb (and so the
> consequent NASB translation "And prevail when you are judged".)

I think part of the problem here stems from our natural inclination to
inject the meaning of an English gloss into the Greek word. That is,
we shove the whole area of meaning of `judge' into KRINW and then wonder
what's going on.

Scanning over Louw & Nida, ISTM that the idea of `assessing the evidence
against someone' is more the view with KRINW. In English, when we use
the word `judge' we think far more quickly of `sentencing' and
`condemning'. And I don't think that is what KRINW should convey. Now,
KRINW can have the nuance of `condemning' (cf L&N 56.30), but even there
L&N cite John 7:51 where a sense of assessment can easily be understood.

So, what does that all mean?

It means, I think, that we have something like:
   ...and prevail when there is [apparent] evidence against you.

And part of the evidence may in fact be the words that he spoke. This
fits the context. The issue Paul is addressing is that he seems to
have just argued himself into a box. Or should I say, argued God into
a box. But the fact is (as Paul seems to be saying), that when you
assess all the evidence, and not just pick and choose, God prevails.
Mike Sangrey
Landisburg, Pa.
                        "The first one last wins."
            "A net of highly cohesive details reveals the truth."

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