[b-greek] Re: Translation Studies

From: Steven R. Lo Vullo (doulos@appleisp.net)
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 17:39:54 EDT

on 9/7/01 7:33 AM, Carl W. Conrad at cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu wrote:

> Once again, Jim offers us a novel perspective on Greek lexicology! Vs. 17
> tells us that Jesus unrolled the scroll and found the place where the text
> in question stood written. Why he would do that before reciting from memory
> might raise an eyebrow or two. There are 32 instances of the verb
> ANAGINWSKW in the GNT. Here's a couple that will illustrate what I assume
> is Lucan usage: In Acts 8:30ff. Philip hears an Ethiopian eunuch
> ANAGINWSKONTOS; in this instance "reading aloud" from a text of Isaiah
> that, if he is reciting at memory, he nevertheless doesn't understand. In
> Acts 15:30 we are told that the letter from the Jerusalem church was given
> to the congregation at Antioch, then in 31 ANAGNONTES DE ECARHSAN EPI THi
> PARAKLHSEI. This is hardly a matter of reciting a memorized text.
> I suggest that those interested consult BDAG, L&N, LJS, etc.

I would also suggest people consult D.A. Carson's succinct little book
_Exegetical Fallacies_, in which is a chapter titled "Word-Study Fallacies"
with a subsection "1. The root fallacy."

Carl gave some good examples above, and I would challenge anyone out there
to do a search on ANAGINWSKW and work your way through the examples starting
with Matt 12.3, substituting "recite" for the traditional "read." It won't
take you very long to realize how incongruous "recite" is in the passages in

I sometimes get the impression that Jim says some of the things he does in
jest or perhaps to stimulate discussion. Nothing wrong with a little kidding
or prodding. However, there may be a pastor or Sunday school teacher out
there who walks away with some of this material and repeats it publicly,
resulting in embarrassment and public humiliation. That's not really funny.
Perhaps to forestall such an unfortunate incident, Jim could use the
convention of a "smiley face" to let us know when he is kidding.

Steve Lo Vullo
Madison, WI

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