[b-greek] Re: Help with AUTOS

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 14:14:36 EDT

> I see AUTWi as not merely
> intensive but also demonstrative, like TWiDE or TOUTWi. In fact, AUTWi
> combines the intensive and the demonstrative and is equivalent to EN
> TOUTWi AUTWi TWI KAIRWi, meaning "at that very time." This would then
> constitute a fourth use of AUTOS, i.e., as an intensive form of the
> demonstrative pronoun.

This made me curious to look up instances of the demonstrative intensified
by AUTOS. I found a couple of instances.

Paul used AUTO TOUTO (this very thing) fairly frequently (8 times) and it
occurs in 2 Pet 1:5.
He may also have used TOUTO AUTO once (2 Cor 2:3).

Luke uses the plural masculine AUTOI hOUTOI (these ones themselves) twice in
Acts 24:15, 20. This is actually in a speech by Paul.

Because of this, it seems better to treat the intensive and the
demonstrative function as separate functions.
AUTOS is normally placed before hOUTOS which is understandable since the
intensive function involves a high amount of prominence. The 2 Cor 2:3
example looks almost anomalous, and sure enough there is considerable
textual uncertainty in 2 Cor 2:3. If Paul actually wrote the TOUTO before
the AUTO that would indicate a high amount of contrast between THIS very
thing he wrote and some other thing he might have written.

Iver Larsen

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