[b-greek] Re: IOUDAIOUS TE KAI hELLHNAS (Rom 3:9)

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Sun Oct 07 2001 - 15:35:37 EDT

on 10/7/01 12:23 PM, c stirling bartholomew wrote:

> on 10/7/01 11:29 AM, Iver Larsen wrote:
>> But back to TE KAI in Rom. 3:9. I doubt the A TE KAI Y in itself implies
>> emphasis on one or the other of the two elements, which seems to agree with
>> Denniston. On the other hand, the item to the left generally has prominence
>> (sorry, my pet theme). I would be interested in seeing any context where the
>> second item could be said to be more prominent than the first.
> Iver,
> Just for the sake of argument, look at Luke 14:26:
> . . . TE KAI THV YUXHN hEAUTOU . . .
> This looks to me like a list objects of MISEI building to a climax at the
> end of the list. THV YUXHN hEAUTOU is the least likely object of MISEI and
> for that reason produces the strongest cognitive disturbance in the auditor.
> Cognitive disturbance being one means of measuring prominence.

of course someone is going to say, but you left out ETI in


and that someone will then argue that the presence of ETI changes the whole
complexion of things and invalidates this as an example. Anyway, I beat that
someone to the punch so to speak.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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