[b-greek] Re: John 1:3-5

From: Harry W. Jones (hjbluebird@aol.com)
Date: Sun Oct 07 2001 - 23:16:17 EDT

Dear Joe,

I believe your question on John 2:4 was covered on the List in the past at
sometime. Seems like I remember Carl giving the answer. But verse four is
covered by Wallace in GGBB on page 150 as being an idiom meaning something
like,"What do I have to do with you?" or "What do we have in common? Leave
me alone!" Also you might check BDF 299.3 and Smyth sec.1479-80.

Harry Jones

> I have been working on my translation of John to keep up with Greek until
> seminary. This passage presents an odd dialogue when read in the English.
> To paraphrase, Mary says to her son, "We ran out of wine." He returns, "What
> have I to do with you, woman." And, she replies by telling servants to do
> whatever Jesus tells them to do.
> It looks as if several sentences were deleted; so, for now, I am thinking
> verse 4 "TI EMOI KAI SOI, GUVAI; OUPW NKEI N WPA MOU" may possibly be an
> idiom. Below, I have added some of my own research on the verse 5. I was
> hoping it would help explain the structure; however, I am thinking verse 4
> may be the key.
> Any help in understanding this passage would be greatly appreciated.
> Verse 5:
> TI AV LEGN UMIV POINSATE (whatever he says to do, do)
> LEGN- 2nd, singular, middle, future, indicative
> IAW BAGD, when AV is used with a future sense in apodosis, it is used to
> "show that the condition and its results are thought of as in the future of
> a single and repeated action." (BAGD 48)
> Joe Crane
> CEO, Navigator Business Services
> The Write Tools for Your Business

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