[b-greek] Re: What To Do With PNEUMATIKOS

From: Paul Schmehl (p.l.schmehl@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Tue Oct 09 2001 - 22:16:24 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Iver Larsen" <iver_larsen@sil.org>
To: "Biblical Greek" <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 3:20 PM
Subject: [b-greek] Re: What To Do With PNEUMATIKOS

> Briefly, in the beginning of a discourse section, there is often a setting
> introducing time, location, participants and theme. In narratives you
> normally have both time, place and people, and usually also a theme. In
> expository text, you often have only a theme. The theme is often only
> at and the reader is expected to be patient and wait for the details to be
> explained more fully later. This is a common Hebrew literaray strategy.
Wouldn't this support Frank's description?
> The way I look at it, the word in v. 1 PNEUMATIKWN hints at the theme to
> developed in the whole chapter and even to the end of chapter 14. Verses
> are somewhat of an aside.
Again, this seems to support what Frank is contending, doesn't it?

> Then 4-6 introduce three related topics which might all be subsumed under
> PNEUMATIKA. All of these are being developed further in v. 7 onwards. So,
> see 4-6 as theme statements about what is to be discussed in more detail
> later.


> However, Paul is responding to a specific misuse of one of the
> spiritual gifts, the tongues, and it is therefore understandable if the
> topic will be spiritual gifts, even if they are put into a wider setting
> diversity and unity as well as building up the body of Christ in love.
> wider setting is needed for perspective.
Isn't this an assumption on your part? Verse 1 introduces a new subject.
With this you agree. The following verses begin to develop the subsections
of that subject that Paul want's to discuss. In verses 4 and 5, he develops
the three subsections that he wants to discuss; DIAIRESEIS XARISMATWN....KAI
PNEUMATIKWN of verse one refers to all three subject areas, XARISMATWN,
DIAKONIWN and ENERGHMATWN, doesn't it? With this you also apparently agree.

> The three themes are
> Paul does not discuss DIAKONIAI much in chapter 12. In this context, I
> he is referring to the kind of ministries we find described in Eph 4:11-12
> and Rom 12. Some of them are mentioned in 1 Cor 12:28-29: apostles,
> prophets, teachers, leadership. The common terminology for this in
> charismatic circles is "ministry gifts". Peter Wagner subsumes everything
> under "spiritual gifts" so there are different traditions for what exactly
> "spiritual gifts" are.
I understand the traditions. I just don't see how the Greek supports those
> What else would PNEUMATIKA refer to in 14:1 if it does not refer to
> spiritual gifts?
Spiritual matters, the theme of this entire section.

Paul Schmehl pauls@utdallas.edu

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