[b-greek] Re: PANTES In Mt.26:27

From: RUSSELL RANKIN (rrankin@isd.net)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 23:58:35 EDT


I see that PANTES was >in agreement with the implicit second-plural subject
of the imperative
PIETE--it's not itself the subject.< This is what puzzles me when
categorizing PANTES in what seemed to be a two subject sentence, or two
sentences in one.

Of the three subcategories into which Adjectives are divided by Friberg and
Friberg, that of Pronominal identifies "those used substantively" and
"standing as a noun" [Introduction p.xii; Appendix p.819**]. This
suggests, as Harry Jones, that PANTES is substantive because it is a
Nominative. The other two subcategories are "adverbs" and "attributive and
predicate adjectives" [Introduction, p.xii]. I infer from this that,
because PANTES is Nominative, it cannot fit the two latter categories, so
is forced into a grammatical category without due consideration of the
semantic structure of the sentence, i.e., the imperative of PIETE
[???]. If this premise is correct, then PIETE, having its own subject
["you drink"], makes PANTES stand alone as a redundant one-word statement
in agreement with the imperative -- "all" [of you drink of it]. Standing
alone, its grammatical structure need not be strictly identified, except as
Nominative. Would this be a fair analysis of the semantic meaning of the
sentence? Your comments, please. Thanks.

Russell Rankin
Maple Grove, Minnesota, USA

** Analytical Greek New Testament, Greek Text Analysis edited by Barbara
Friberg and Timothy Friberg, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1981, 1993

At 06:56 AM 10/15/01 -0400, you wrote:
>At 1:38 AM -0500 10/2/01, RUSSELL RANKIN wrote:
> >B-Greek,
> >
> >PANTES in Mt.26:27 is parsed "Adjective, Pronominal, Nominative, Masculine,
> >Plural [Analytical Greek New Testament, Friberg and Friberg]. Is this a
> >Substantive use of the Adjective? With what word does PANTES have
> >grammatical agreement?
>Text (it helps me to have the text directly before me when discussing it):
>I don't think I would have called PANTES "pronominal" (although one might
>English it as "everyone", we don't--or shouldn't, I think--ordinarily
>characterize the Greek in terms of target-language categories), nor, in
>this instance, do I think I'd call it substantive either; it is in
>agreement with the implicit second-plural subject of the imperative
>PIETE--it's not itself the subject.
>Carl W. Conrad
>Department of Classics, Washington University (Emeritus)
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