[b-greek] Re: Fronting

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 16:47:25 EDT

> Since EGENONTO marks progression points on the narrative time
> line, it must
> come early or first in a new narrative segment. The position of
> the narrative segment has to do with narrative architecture and has little
> to do with prominence, salience or semantic content.
> A new scene in the narrative will often be marked early in the narrative
> text by the passage of time. This isn't particularly interesting or
> significant information in most narratives. What is significant in the
> narrative segment is who is doing the action and what is being done.

It looks to me like you are equating any form of GINOMAI with the discourse
connector KAI EGENETO. I will agree with all you said about progression of
the narrative and introducing a new narrative segment when you talk about
KAI EGENETO. This phrase is fixed and frequent in Matthew, Mark, Luke/Acts
and Revelation (59 times). It is really a Hebrew discourse connector carried
over into the GNT. Sometimes the present is used: KAI GINETAI.

The phrase also occurs in 1 Th 3:4, but there it is entirely different. It
is not progressing any narrative and the focus is on the fact that something
did happen.

In 2 Pet 2:1 there is no KAI before EGENONTO, and it is not a discourse
progression marker here.

Iver Larsen

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