[b-greek] Re: PANTES In Mt.26:27

From: Harry W. Jones (hjbluebird@aol.com)
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 17:29:24 EDT

Dear Carl,

I really learned some things on this one. I never thought about PANTES
predicating the implicit subject of PIETE. That was enlightening.

Best Regards,
Harry Jones

> At 10:58 PM -0500 10/16/01, RUSSELL RANKIN wrote:
> >Carl,
> >
> >I see that PANTES was "in agreement with the implicit second-plural subject
> >of the imperative
> >PIETE--it's not itself the subject." This is what puzzles me when
> >categorizing PANTES in what seemed to be a two subject sentence, or two
> >sentences in one.
> >
> >Of the three subcategories into which Adjectives are divided by Friberg and
> >Friberg, that of Pronominal identifies "those used substantively" and
> >"standing as a noun" [Introduction p.xii; Appendix p.819**]. This
> >suggests, as Harry Jones, that PANTES is substantive because it is a
> >Nominative. The other two subcategories are "adverbs" and "attributive and
> >predicate adjectives" [Introduction, p.xii]. I infer from this that,
> >because PANTES is Nominative, it cannot fit the two latter categories, so
> >is forced into a grammatical category without due consideration of the
> >semantic structure of the sentence, i.e., the imperative of PIETE
> >[???]. If this premise is correct, then PIETE, having its own subject
> >["you drink"], makes PANTES stand alone as a redundant one-word statement
> >in agreement with the imperative -- "all" [of you drink of it]. Standing
> >alone, its grammatical structure need not be strictly identified, except as
> >Nominative. Would this be a fair analysis of the semantic meaning of the
> >sentence? Your comments, please. Thanks.
> >
> >Russell Rankin
> >Maple Grove, Minnesota, USA
> >rrankin@isd.net
> >
> >** Analytical Greek New Testament, Greek Text Analysis edited by Barbara
> >Friberg and Timothy Friberg, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1981, 1993
> >edition.
> [I've deleted prior correspondence, since Russell has included the really
> relevant portions of it within his message.]
> (1) Having looked at the introduction of Friberg and Friberg (which I find
> must be read in Acrobat 4 rather than 5 if one wants to read the Greek font
> correctly), I now understand what was meant by "pronominal adjectives,"
> although this strikes me as another instance of the gratuitous
> multiplication of confusing terminology when all that was meant was
> "adjective used substantivally"; what went through my head when I saw
> "pronominal adjective" was a word like EMOS, SOS, hHMETEROS, hUMETEROS or
> the like. Perhaps some of this is unavoidable if you have to invent a
> usable shorthand for grammatical tags for parsing, but my not very
> charitable view of such work is that it's fundamentally a crutch for those
> who want to read Greek without learning the grammar thoroughly.
> (2) Nor can I agree that PANTES should be deemed "substantival" because it
> is nominative; I can readily conceive a sentence such as TAUTA EDEIXA PASI,
> "I showed these things to everyone" where PASI is dative plural and might
> quite reasonly be called substantival. RATHER, I would assert that PANTES
> in Mt 26;27 is "predicative" in function: i.e. it adds an adverbial force
> to the imperative PIETE and is not simply redundant: it's not simply "you
> people drink it!" but "you people drink it--not just one or two of you but
> all of you!" I don't think it's redundant like the "all" of American
> Southern English "you all" (perhaps meant originally to distinguish it from
> the singular "you") but is in fact emphatic and even exegetically important
> in its emphasis upon eucharistic drinking of the cup as a CORPORATE action
> of the body of Christ rather than a PRIVATE ritual action of meaning only
> to the ritual agent. I would argue therefore that PANTES in Mt 26:27 has an
> adverbial force, that it means "as one body."
> --
> Carl W. Conrad
> Department of Classics, Washington University (Emeritus)
> Most months: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243
> cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu OR cwconrad@ioa.com
> WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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