[b-greek] Re: unleavened bread

From: Schmuel (schmuel@bigfoot.com)
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 09:29:05 EDT

Hello b-greek

Thanks you Randall and Theodore,

...well expressed and the Hebrew analogy is helpful
>Randall Buth,
>Why not go back a layer? During PeseaH, the normal word for bread leHem
>is used during the meal enough though there is also discussion of matsa.
>So why not expect normal artos?

Theodore Mann,
I'm hardly a Greek scholar, but I'll venture an opinion and suggest that
AZUMOS is used in Mk.14:12 and Lk.22:1 because "unleavened" is part of the
name of the feast that is being identified; that is, the Feast of Unleavened
Bread.  Since the reader has been informed as to what feast is being
celebrated, it isn't necessary to further specificy that the bread is
unleavened.  After all, what other kind of bread would be consumed at the
Feast of Unleavened Bread?  I think the term ARTOS is just a generic term
for bread, and implies nothing about the kind of bread it is.  The context
dictates that this is unleavened bread.

> The following contention was made (elsewhere) ..
> In Mark 14:12 and Luke 22:1 we read:
> "On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread".
> The Greek word for unleavened matzah [AZUMON] is used here.
> However, in Mark 14:22 and Luke 22:19 where it says,
> "while they were eating, Jesus took BREAD",
> the Greek word for normal leavened bread [ARTON] is used,
> the Greek word for matzah is absolutely not used ....
> It seems to me an implied and rather strange argument is being made that
> arton would not be unleavened bread (even during the Feast of Unleavened
> Bread !)
> What do our scholars and Greek experts say ?


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