[b-greek] Re: Didache

From: Keith Thompson (KAT@kneptune.demon.co.uk)
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 11:39:38 EST

  Thanks for the reply, that's very helpful.
>>At the end of 1:4 it says EAN LABHi TIS APO SOU TO SOON, MH APAITEI,
>Yes, that's right -- what edition are you drawing on?
I downloaded it from the Internet, 'Prepared by Wieland Willker from the
critical edition of Funk/Bihlmeyer (1924)'. It also says 'Error reports
welcome!' but when I tried writing the address didn't work.

>>The problem I have is with OUDE GAR DUNASAI. I'm not very experienced
>>with MI conjugation verbs, would the aorist middle imperative of
>>DUNAMAI be DUNASAI? All I know is sometimes MI conjugation verbs
>>follow the W conjugation in the aorist tense, meaning 'for neither be
>>powerful/able'. But the GAR seems to imply a statement is being made,
>>'for neither are you able', but neither of these translations make
>>much sense to me. What exactly does OUDE GAR DUNASAI mean here?
>DUNASAI is the second person singular present tense of DUNAMAI
So would the aorist middle imperative be DUNOU or something?
>It will be some consolation to you to know that in:
>Niederwimmer, Kurt, ed. The Didache. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1998.
>the author states:
>>> this little clause has confused interpreters from the beginning. The

>most obvious interpretation is : " Let yourself be robbed, because you
>cannot really defendd yourself, no matter what "
>The clause, thus understood, would make obvious the social milieu of
>those who handed on this text; they are exploited and helpless people
>who cannot and will not defend themselves. Other attempts to understand
>the text remain artificial ..............for the whole pericope we have
>before us an oral tradition parallel to that of the Synoptics [ the
>author has earlier pointed out that "this little phrase" stands out, as
>it has no parallel in the Synoptic tradition ] or (better) the use of
>the same apocryphal sayings tradition that was previously suggested for
>Incidentally, there is a fine revised edition of:
>Holmes, Michael W., ed. The Apostolic Fathers: Greek Texts and English
>Translations. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1999.
>which translates "this little clause" as >>for you cannot do so <<
Thanks for this explanation, it makes a lot more sense to me now
>On your second query ( 2:2 ) I don't know what lexicon you are using,
>but if you intend seriously continuing with your work on the Didache,
>you _do_ need the Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament and Other
>Early Christian Literature. Now that the latest edition ( known as BDAG
>) is out, you should have no trouble picking up a cheap copy of the
>previous edition ( BAGD )
The only lexicons I have are 'A Manual Greek Lexicon Of The New
Testament' by Abbott-Smith, and 'Langenscheidt's Pocket Dictionary
(Classical Greek)'. I've been out of work and broke for a long time but
now I can afford to buy books again. Would BAGD (or BDAG) provide extra
help in studying the New Testament as well as works outside it?
>Going to FQORA yields this, after the main meaning you quoted, :
>>>in specific senses—a. (destruction by) abortion (cf. Dit., Syll.3
>7 [II/III ad] FQORA=miscarriage [which makes the mother unclean for 40
>days] and FQORION=a means of producing abortion) OU FONEUSEIS EN
>FQORA`/ B 19:5; D 2:2.
>[ B = Barnabas, D = Didache ]
Thanks again, this is very clear to me now. Some of the other problems I
have with the Didache may be solved by getting a better lexicon, so I
won't trouble the list with them at the moment. For example the only
meaning I have for DIGLWSSOS / DIGLWSSIA is 'speaking two languages', I
don't understand why this would be 'PAGIS QANATOU' unless it had another
  Thanks a lot for the help,
Keith Thompson (Manchester, UK)
Email: keitht@kneptune.demon.co.uk
Mobile email: koff@t-motion.co.uk

Keith Thompson

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