[b-greek] Re: b-greek digest: November 03, 2001

From: gbasa@smg.sanmiguel.com.ph
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 20:56:17 EST

Gentlemen, thanks a lot for sending me your b-greek digest.
This is the second issue that I have received from you since I applied
for membership in your group.
I find the digest very helpful in my study of the New Testament
original language.
Actually I used Machen's New Testament Greek for Beginners. It's a
really old book but very systematic in in its approach to learning.
However, I still need more materials to further aid me in learning this
This is where I find blessing in your digest.
Thanks a lot and do continue to send me more digests.

Calvin [Basa -- New list-members please take note: BG-protocol
requires that all messages sent to the list be subscribed with a
full-name signature. Thanks. cwc]

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