[b-greek] RE: Gal. 4:13 hOTI DI'

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 10:02:28 EST

> One of my coworkers is currently revising the translation of Galatians and
> asked me yesterday to help him determine the meaning of hOTI DI' in Gal.
> 4:13. English versions are divided as to whether these particles indicate
> the cause of Paul's preaching to them the first time or a circumstantial
> condition of his preaching to them the first time. Do you all on this list
> feel there is any way that we can tell from the Greek here which of these
> semantic options is more likely?

Whereas I agree the DIA plus accusative refers to a cause, I am considering
a compromise. Has anyone ever talked of "circumstantial cause"? Or should I
say "secondary cause"?

What I mean is that just as I can have several different purposes in mind
for doing a particular action, so there can be several reasons for doing an
action, a primary or foundational reason and one or more secondary reasons.
Paul's primary purpose and reason for preaching the Gospel in general was
not that he at this particular time had a physical challenge. His
foundational reason has always been to be "obedient to the heavenly vision"
(Acts 26:19). But the specific occasion to come to that particular group and
preach the gospel there seems to be his physical challenge.

As a translation of Gal 4:13 that goes beyond the literal "because" I would
suggest something like "You know how my physical weakness became the
occasion for my first proclaiming the gospel to you."

Iver Larsen

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