[b-greek] Teach Yourself's "New Testament Greek", by D. F. Hu dson

From: Michael Abernathy (mabernat@cub.kcnet.org)
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 18:21:32 EST

Here is an idea that works but it will take some work on your part. First,
find a list of words that are the same or nearly the same in English and
Greek. Then try writing some short stories for your son and substituting
the Greek word for the English word. I have an old copy of a book called
The Contribution of Greek To English that would help in something like this.
If that book is no longer available, you will find that the dictionary
provided by the UBS for the New Testament has about 100 words that have come
into English with very little change such as angellos, aer, and tabernh. I
would start by writing the root in black English alphabet. Separate the
noun and verb endings from the root with a dash and use a different color
for each.
When you decide to teach the verb endings, take one tense at a time and one
person at a time. In other words, teach him he says, he runs, he plays,
before going on to I, you, we, you plural and they. You may want to make
some cards with the roots in black and the verb endings in colors matching
the pronouns. Then help him make simple sentances.
I used to have a do it yourself book that included a cartoon called "An
Adventure With a Lion." If you can get a copy of that, I know it will help
your son learn prepositions. It shows this little explorer as he climbs on
the lion, crawls under the lion, runs around the lion, goes into the lion,
out of the lion, and finally runs from the lion. Little kids are sure to
find it funny and a great memory aid.
Hope this helps,
Michael Abernathy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Westwig" <ewestwig@palisade.com>
To: "Biblical Greek" <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 11:49 AM
Subject: [b-greek] RE: Teach Yourself's "New Testament Greek", by D. F. Hu

> Dear Kathy (and all other b-Greekers, as well)
> I've been teaching myself greek since the beginning of this year. My
> old son, who is a unusually advanced reader for his age, has expressed a
> great deal of interest in Greek, and is begging me to teach him to read it
> too. This presents a big challenge to me, since I'm struggling through
> Greek myself. I've taught him several dozen nouns (glossing over
> forms, gender, and the like). Words like QEOS, IHSOUS, ICQUS, etc. He
> picks these up really fast, and loves substituting them in his English
> sentences, but I haven't tried teaching him noun paradigms and verb forms.
> I'm worried I might extinguish his wonderful enthusiasm with that sort of
> thing.
> The point of all this rambling is to make a simple request. Kathy, if you
> or anyone else on the b-Greek list have any suggestions or general advice
> how to proceed with teaching a young child Greek, I'd love to hear it.
> Thanks so much,
> Erik Westwig
> Software Engineer
> Palisade Corporation
> westwig@palisade.com
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kathleen Borsari [SMTP:Borsarifamily@juno.com]
> > Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 12:49 PM
> > To: Biblical Greek
> > Subject: [b-greek] Teach Yourself's "New Testament Greek", by D. F.
> > Hudson
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > My name is Kathy. I am a homeschooling mom. My 13 year old son and I are
> > trying to teach ourselves Greek.
> >
> > Our favorite book is "New Testament Greek" by D.F. Hudson. This book
> > the most sense to us because it approaches the learning of a language
> > same way that we learned Latin. The only problem is that this book is
> > quite lean in practise exercises. We have been making up our own
> > and supplementing with other books and websites, but this is slow going.
> >
> > Is there someone who is using this book with a class, that would be
> > willing to share some of their support materials?
> >
> > Kathleen Borsari
> >
> > ---
> > B-Greek home page: http://metalab.unc.edu/bgreek
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