[b-greek] Re: Virus

From: Paul S Dixon (dixonps@juno.com)
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 17:04:34 EST

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 14:39:24 -0500 "Robin Adamo" <radamo@wt.net> writes:

> Yesterday, something completely disabled my hard drive. My computer
> is less than a year old, so we were suspicious of a virus. But I have
> not opened an email attachment in months and I have an automatic virus
> scanner, so now my husband is worried about a defective hard drive.

Even if you personally know the sender, it is advisable not to open email
attachments. Reply to him first to see if he actually sent it. We
learned the hard way on this one. A fellow pastor and personal friend
supposedly sent an email with an attachment designed to kill and destroy,
which it did, even though we had Norton anti-virus.

Paul Dixon

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