[b-greek] Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon

From: Wayne Leman (wayne_leman@sil.org)
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 00:32:35 EST

Biblical Greek scholarship has grown since Strong, Thayer, and LSJ did their
work. Danker (the latest edition of BADG) is perhaps the best lexicon now,
although it is good to supplement it with others, including LSJ and
Louw&Nida. I suspect the original concern, to which this topic thread is
addressed, had to do with the depth of scholarship reflected in the older
lexicons. They were good for their time, but they have been improved upon.
It is best today not to take Strong or Thayer as a final authority on NT
Greek lexicography. There is better quality material available today, based
on more data available to NT Greek scholars.

Wayne Leman
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