[b-greek] Re: New Testament on Tape in Modern Greek

From: Sean Kasabuske (kazoi@milwpc.com)
Date: Tue Jan 01 2002 - 02:55:54 EST

Hello Dr. Metcalfe,

Spiros Zodhiates reads Nestle's Text with a modern Greek pronunciation.
You can purchase his tapes from www.christianbook.com for about $64.00.
Here's the info:

The Complete Koine Greek New Testament, 2 volume set, cassettes
By: Spiros Zodhiates
Type: Cassette
Vendor: Amg Publishers
ISBN: 0899574017
CBD Stock Number: WW9574017
Retail Price: $79.99
CBD Price: $63.99
You Save $16.00 (20%)
Availability: In Stock


Sean Kasabuske

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