[b-greek] Re: Septuagint

From: Nicholas Stuart Edwards (nedwards@fas.harvard.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 01:35:11 EST

The most recent publication of the Conybeare and Stock "Grammar of
Septuagint Greek" contains a vocabulary list for the passages included
within its reader. I would suggest this grammar in order to understand
that the LXX is really a "half translation," as it were. I've been
studying Hebrew for the past few months alongside of the Septuagint, and
it's been enlightening to see the relationship.



> Subject: Septuagint
> From: Pete Richert <maqhths_tou_hhfmou@yahoo.com>
> Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 19:39:07 -0800 (PST)
> X-Message-Number: 6
> Hey everyone,
> I got a Septuagint and I would like to read it just
> for a chance for Greek practice but they're just to
> many vocab words I don't know. Does anybody know of a
> readers lexicon for the Septuagint (like Sakae Kubo's
> book for the NT). It would sure be invaluable.
> Thanks,
> Pete
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