[b-greek] Re: The Use of the word gold in the NT

From: Suedaleg@aol.com
Date: Sun Jan 13 2002 - 09:49:36 EST

Concerning "gold" CRUSOS and CRUSION, Martin Wells asked, "How can we tell
whether they are referring to coins, metal or objects?
And are there any examples outside the NT which can help? Is it a case
of just having to make a best guess from what the context is inferring?

Just like any synanym these words may sometimes be used interchangebly, or
they may giv a shade of meaning when used together or in certain contexts.
And like most words they receive a shading from the specific context. Even
in English we use the word gold to refer to the minieral, coinage, and wealth
in general. We understand the meaning from the context. BTW "Silver" is
used the same way in the NT.

Dale Greenlee

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