[b-greek] Re: NIPTW

From: George Athas (gathas@hotkey.net.au)
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 03:21:27 EST

Yes, Wayne is absolutely correct. In Hebrew, the "feet" or "legs" are sometimes (not always!) a
euphemism for the genitals. As Wayne said, it is the context that certifies if the euphemism is
being used. Although some may deny this euphemism, it is quite clearly intended in Exod 4, in Ruth
3, in Song of Songs, and most certainly in 2Sam 11:8. It may be implied as innuendo in 1Sam 25:41

So, it's not the word "rinse" or "wash" that has the sexual connotation, but the word "feet" in
2Sam 11:8.

Best regards,

(Sydney, Australia)

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