[b-greek] Re: AUTOS/AUTOU

From: Suelhmc@aol.com
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 16:42:14 EST

Thanks, Steve and Vincent for your explanations.

In order to find, however, the reference to EPI w/AUTOS meaning THEREON in
Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible:

1) 1 notation can be found in the Greek Lexicon at the back of the book on
page 62 under AUTOS. (Actually, it states: With preposition frequently
rendered THERE (+ prepos.) e.g., therein.

2) 2 notations mentioning THEREON can be found also in the back on page 69
under EPI (with AUTOS).

Thank you very much for clearing up "for" and (it be) for me.

Yours truly,
Susan McMullen

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