[b-greek] Re: Greek word in the Passover?

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (cierpke@prodigy.net)
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 10:56:05 EST


The 2nd aorist of hIKNEOMAI is hIKOMHN. It occurs in Homer's Illiad 8.148.,
It also occurs as AFIKNEOMAI is used in early prose according to Liddell
and Scott

At 09:24 AM 1/23/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>I have run across some material that comments on the Passover Seder that
>developed soon after the time of Christ. The argument presented is that the
>broken Matzah is called by a Greek word "afikomen" (HFIKOMEN ?, it was not
>written in Greek characters) which is supposedly the aorist of "ikneomai"
>(IKNEOMAI ??) and means "he came". This does not appear to be a NT verb,
>though that in an of itself is not a problem. However, it does seem to have
>some other problems: 1) would we not expect a sigma and an alpha in the
>aorist form? 2) the -OMEN ending seems to be an active 1st person plural
>which would be unusual with a "deponent" verb, wouldn't it? Can anyone shed
>any light on this?
>Rob Matlack united_by_truth@yahoo.com
>Minneapolis, KS
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M. Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
Cierpke Memorial Library
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