[b-greek] RV: Re: off topic

From: Braulio Barillas (parakal@quetzal.net)
Date: Sat Jan 26 2002 - 23:45:08 EST

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Jeffrey B. Gibson [mailto:jgibson000@attbi.com]
Enviado el: Viernes, 25 de Enero de 2002 07:22 p.m.
Para: Biblical Greek
CC: Biblical Greek
Asunto: [b-greek] Re: off topic

Rion Reece wrote:

> When James talks about Satan and Micheal disputing over Moses' body, where
> does he get that idea? Are there any extant literary sources for this
> belief?
> Sorry for the off-topic and thanks in advance for the help.

I take it you mean Jude not James and that the text referred to is Jude
9, yes?

If so, then as Clement of Alexandria and Origen (among others) tell us, the
comes from The Assumption of Moses. Unfortunately, while much of the work
has been
preserved and may be read in editions of the Pseudepigrapha, the particular
about Michael and the Devil in ToM is missing in all extant manuscripts of
the work.

You will find an excellent and extended discussion of the background and
source of
Jude 9 on pp. 64-76 in the commentary on Jude and 2 Peter by Richard
Bauckham which is
Vol 50 in the Word Biblical Commentary Series..


Jeffrey Gibson.

Sorry por express me in Espanish:

Judas pudo inspirarse al distinguir cuanto habia de verdad y falsedad en la
tradicion oral, algo que esta ahora fuera de nuestro alcance; lo que hoy
tenemos es la Palabra Escrita y la personal interpretacion.
Braulio Barillas

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