[b-greek] Re: Accenting (was rough breathing)

From: Michael Haggett (michaelhaggett@onetel.net.uk)
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 21:54:52 EST

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<DIV><A href="mailto:Polycarp66@aol.com">Polycarp66@aol.com</A> wrote, 30
January:<BR><BR>| What then do you suppose the intention of the accents
was?<BR>| gfsomsel<BR><BR><BR>OK.&nbsp; You've asked!&nbsp; But rather than
write a long post, I think<BR>it would be better to upload one of the relevant
pages of my<BR>NTGreek course (which is usually only on the CD-ROM version)
to<BR>my website.&nbsp; Everybody will then be able to HEAR what I mean
...<BR>which will be far better than trying to express how things sound<BR>in a
plain-text email.<BR><BR>Please give me a day or so (I'd much rather celebrate
my<BR>birthday :-) to re-sample the relevant audio files so that they<BR>stream
better over the internet. Then I'll write a short post<BR>with the relevant web
addresses.<BR><BR>Michael Haggett<BR>London<BR><A
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