[b-greek] Re: DOMATA in Mal 1:3

From: Cees van Veelen (cees@vanveelen.xs4all.nl)
Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 09:52:02 EST

> Okay. GFSOMSEL thinks DOMATA is a form of DOMOS spelled wrong and Cees
> thinks it is actually DWMATA. Correct?

Yes, DWMATA spelled wrong, or at least: spelled different from usual.

> Next question: Where did Cees find this conjecture? I am using the
> Göttingen LXX for the first time and don't see this suggestion there nor in
> Rahlf's.

Lust, Eynikel, & Hauspie, Greek-English lexicon of the Septuagint, in the
version that comes with Gramcord.

Cees van Veelen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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