[b-greek] Re: Read or Study?

From: Suedaleg@aol.com
Date: Sat Feb 02 2002 - 03:22:24 EST

Michael, et al.

Another two cents on a philosophical question. ( I like philosophical

My purpose in learning Greek 20+ years ago was to be better prepared to teach
and preach what the original writers were trying to tell us about God. For
that purpose, I found the dictionaries and a good knowledge of the grammar
were usually sufficient.
Yet for me personally it was not. Few people in the classes and
congregations knew anything I might say in Greek and could not understand if
I used it to freely. I wanted to be able to accurately explain what was
there so that everone could understand and fully appreciate it, in English.
This required that I not only be able to plow through it, but that I be able
to understand it into English. I now have found that by being able to
understand the features of the language (and this is coming from my friends
on this list) I am becoming better able to bring the color of the words and
language to my students, even if I do not use Greek to do it. If I never
"translate" another page, I no longer care, but I can sit with a Greek
testament and explain it now with my friends who know nothing of Greek.

Another benefit on the side: I was able to help my wife learn medical
terminology from my knowledge of the root of that language.

Dale Greenlee

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