[b-greek] Mt 26.60

From: Rbsads@aol.com
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 23:20:09 EST


Reading from several translations, the verse is evidently best rendered as
"but they found none, though many false witnesses came forward."

That translation would seem to interpret PROSELQONTWN as a concessive
participle and YEUDOMARTURWN as a participle of purpose.

It seems however easier to read YEUDOMARTURWN as a genitive direct object,
with PROSELQONTWN as an adjectival participle.

"but they did not find many false witness who were coming forward."

This reading seems also, at least to me, to fit better with the next verse,
"then, afterwards, two came forward and said,"

The latter reading would give the sense that it was difficult for the chief
priests to find anyone to witness against Jesus falsely, rather than the KJV
interpretation that many false witnesses were found, but none who could give
the false witness needed to put Jesus to death.

Can hEURISKW take a genitive direct object?

BTW, Carl, it had been some time since I posted and I had forgotten to change
the AOL text to plaintext. Please let me know if this post was sent in plain
text. If not then I ask that the directions be posted again, as my computer
had crashed, losing my saved plaintext conversion instructions.


Richard Smith
Chattanooga, TN

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